Agency Services
If you are concerned about the transportation needs of your employees or clients, SHOW BUS can help. We understand reliable, low cost and accessible transportation is a necessity, and we will partner with you to fulfill that need.
Service Contracts
A Service Contract can be a valuable tool in developing partnerships. A Service Contract can take many forms: it can be a contract to provide all of the transportation for your organization, provide supplemental transportation for your organization or simply a way to provide discounted transportation for your clients on an as needed basis. In short, a Service Contract can be as flexible as needed to serve you. Please contact us for more information.
The Voucher Program
To further meet the needs of your agency and the communities we serve, SHOW BUS has begun the Voucher Program. The Voucher Program reimburses not for profit organizations that are assisting individuals with especially difficult mobility obstacles. For example, if you have a client who needs a trained professional to assist them on our vehicle but can’t afford to pay the trained professional, you can apply to us, and we can assist in paying that bill. Please contact us for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: We currently provide all of our clients’ transportation and we abide by many regulations. Will SHOW BUS abide by those same regulations?
A: Yes. We have been providing transportation in our communities for over 40 years. We will review your regulations and make certain our current standards meet those regulations.
Q: We have had to cut our transportation budget, can SHOW BUS help?
Yes. We have helped many agencies cut their transportation budgets without cutting any of their services. We can help.
Q: We currently have many vehicles. What will we do with them if you start providing transportation for our organization?
We will work with you to formulate a lease arrangement that will allow us to assume all liability and cost of the vehicles in exchange for their use.
Q: We have clients that have especially difficult transportation barriers, can SHOW BUS help?
A:Yes. Our staff and equipment are well suited to deal with the most difficult transportation obstacles. When we begin providing transportation for your agency, we will train our drivers alongside your staff. We will learn from your experience and care of your clients, as well as apply all of the lessons we've learned over the last 40 years.
Q: We have a special event and need help with transportation. Can SHOW BUS Help?
A: Yes. Please contact us and let us know what you need. We are often able to assist in transportation for events.
Q: We see a transportation need in our community. How can we get involved?
A: We need your help to best serve the residents of our communities. If you see a transportation need or have a transportation idea, call us or begin attending the SHOW BUS Advisory Committee in your area.